
2 Timothy 2:2 – Model and Multiply

by | Dec 29, 2021 | Articles, HMT Outline

How are you getting on with the Five Skills? Can you tell different life tesimonies in less than five minuted each? Are you confident you can share the Gospel, in ways people in your focus location can understand, in less than five minutes?

Today we will look at 2 Timothy 2:2 – Model and Multiply. This is an important part of the multiplication that needs to happen in a Movement.

Go to page 10 of the FREE Training PDF and watch the video below. If the video doesn’t work please click here.

When we look at 2 Timothy 2:2 closely we can see how Paul and his companions were able to see Movements happen by focusing on capable and faithful people. They modelled to and multiplied ofther leaders.


Finding and multiplying capable people is key. Reflect on how you might do this.

  • How will you find capable people to work with? Honestly reflect on your own life and ask if you are a person who can inspire capable people and work with them?
  • Are you improving your skills and knowledge so that you are able to train others, who in turn can train others and so on? Training someone is more that telling people or just giving people knowledge.
  • Think how you can model to others important things you’d like them to do.

We pray you will be able to find and train many capable people, those who may become leaders in a Movement. Stay tuned for the next email in this Free Introductory Training.

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