
What will you DO with a new believer?

by | Aug 12, 2021 | Hot Topics

This is possibly the most important question in world missions. It might be more important than how you get a new believer. Solutions to this question make a huge difference – addition growth or multiplication. 


What did Jesus train his team to do?  

In Acts we see the apostles, along with Barnabas and Paul, not stumbling over the “new believer” question. It was clear to them what to do. They seemed to have a few repeatable actions that others could also follow. It led to multiplication and at times trouble. They did not shy away from baptism and teaching that persecution or difficulty could follow, Acts 14:22. They were up front about the basics. 


Hang out with people 

In John 4 we see a woman believe. She shares her story in her social network and more believe Jesus is messiah, 4:39-42. Jesus stays two days more at Samaria, 4:40-42. Why? We can only imagine it was to followup and start discipling. Jesus’ toolbox of early discipleship themes is evident in his sermon on the mount. But informational truth is only a part of the “what do you do” solution. An equally important aspect is what is modelled, this was also in Jesus’ “what to do” strategy. 


Intentional modelling 

People follow what you model to them – more it seems than what you say. New believers need to SEE and FEEL what new life in Christ is like. This can only happen if life is up close and personal. In 1Thess 1:2-8 and 1Thess 2:5-14 Paul states clearly his preferred approach to “what to do with new believers”. Paul reminds them how he was a model to them and how he discipled them. Power of Holy Spirit, Gospel and Modelling – “you became followers of us”, our example. 


A three-parts meeting pattern  

When it comes to organised meetings, using a three parts pattern simplifies expectations. This pattern helps new followers grow in obedient love, and it helps form more discipleship groups as new followers themselves use it. 


  1. Look backgiving thanks, checking obedience, understanding and application. 


  1. Look upthrough the scripture to find more insight about who God is and what he wants us to be and do.


  1. Look forwardto the future (days or week ahead) applying biblical truth. Add also time to set plans about how to reach others and form more groups, along with prayer together over everything. 


Multiplication – you are discipling Disciple Makers! 

When discipling up close and personal think about future generations – this could be a big mindset shift for you. Think who can this person train and disciple? There’s a  difference in outcomes between discipling one by one by one, and discipling people to make other disciples – aim for a movement of disciple makers.  


Every sphere and domain of life 
Disciple new believers to have a multiplication mindset. If they understand early on about community engagement in every sphere and domain of life, then the salt and light of the gospel will bring transformation, as movement starts to take place. In the marketplace, in education, in the halls of power and so on – aim to trigger a movement of disciple makers. Small things done differently with new believers make a huge difference. RM. 

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