
Leading People to Baptism

by | Nov 5, 2023 | News, Stories

Experience the incredible testimony of God’s work through a dedicated individual in Madagascar who has grasped the significance of baptism and instructs disciples in the act of baptizing others. Witness this journey in the video below and share it with others to inspire their commitment to fulfilling God’s will in their lives.

Discover the impact of God's work through an ordinary believer in Madagascar, igniting Disciple Making Movements based on the New Testament patterns and teachings of Jesus and His Apostles. Witness an unfolding journey through the video below. Inspire others by sharing this story. Empower them to persist in following God's will in their own lives.

If you love God, do what He Wants you to do


Teaching and Leading people to Baptism

Now we teach how to obey the commandment of baptism to every new believer, and we train them so they can baptize others.


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