
Disciple Makers in Malawi

by | Nov 29, 2023 | News, Stories

Listen to this man’s journey as he spearheads Disciple Making Movements (DMM) among Unreached People Groups (UPGs). Starting with just seven individuals, they grew to thousands. He overcame barriers through divine guidance, as he implemented the six “apostolic activities”. The result was great fruit among his focus communities.

Discover the impact of God's work through an ordinary believer in Madagascar, igniting Disciple Making Movements based on the New Testament patterns and teachings of Jesus and His Apostles. Witness an unfolding journey through the video below. Inspire others by sharing this story. Empower them to persist in following God's will in their own lives.

You need to spend time for disciple others, living what you teach.


Working among UPGs 

We build strong relationships and build trust to be able to reach the people. We have faced many barriers, but God gives us the solution for everything. 


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